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Daniel (6 monts) Clubbed foot beneficiary was supported by action of love to meet his medical.

“I thank God for giving us Action of Love, I am so excited to see my son playing freely like a normal child. I don’t know how I can ever thank you all, I am so so happy.”

Akello Esther, his single mother

Ikoluwot is an orphan who was brought up by the guardian, she was so glad to be considered as one of the lucky girls to benefit from our program. Her uncle was just speechless, he was filled up with of joy


Okello Richard (7 years old), a child who got burnt in the house as he was playing, was supported.

“I thank God who brought me to Action of Love seeking for help, where could a poor like me go? When my son got burnt, I went even to the government hospital but no one attended to us. I felt ignored and someone advised me to come here to seek for help and indeed God has finally helped me.”

Okello James, his father

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